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Let’s Swap Some URL for More IRL

ISI Consulting

We’ve recently overhauled the ISI Consulting website, and in the process, I’ve become very familiar with the term URL. It stands for Uniform Resource Locator and refers to a particular address – a website or even a particular page or form or photo – on that marvelous thing previously known as the World Wide Web. (As in www.sharpertogether.com, anyone?) Over the past three years, we’ve all spent more and more time in URL world , as we moved from in-person work to virtual meetings to a hybrid work environment. It’s been a monumental shift, and employers and employees, sociologists and psychologists alike have noticed some profound changes.

Our attention spans are shorter. Our people skills have faded. Work/life boundaries have blurred, sometimes leaving us with the sense that we’re always at work. New hires don’t know their colleagues and often struggle to grasp the organization’s culture. It’s harder to have those casual peer-to-peer chats in a virtual world. And finally, it can be difficult to mentor or be mentored by a colleague when you seldom see each other in person.

Now, I’m not dismissing the joys of URLs. After all, where else can you take a tour of one of the world’s greatest art collections, watch the goofy antics of baby owls, and buy a nifty new coffee maker, all from the comfort of your couch? Seriously, though, virtual work has had some profound benefits for all of us. We’ve saved time – and tempers – by avoiding a stressful commute every day. Parents appreciate the ability to take their kids to sports and school activities and still finish up work later. We can gather colleagues from across the country for a meeting without ever having to face the specter of airport lounges and cancelled flights. And let’s be honest…stretchy pants are really comfortable.

I do, however, think we ought to spend more time IRL.  That’s In Real Life for those who don’t keep up with the latest acronyms. Real people in real rooms creating real accomplishments. We need strategic face-to-face meetings where we can tackle issues and hammer out solutions. We need those in-person team building exercises that strengthen bonds and create true culture. We need to ensure diverse perspectives are brought to the table and everyone’s voice is heard. We need the creativity and insight that come from real people working together.

None of us has time to waste on wasted meetings. At ISI Consulting, we want to help you make the most of your time, whether it’s IRL or virtual. We’d love to chat with you about your organization and how we can work together to accomplish your goals, so give us a call.

Stay Sharp, 

ISI Consulting

Holly Hayes, President & Founder
ISI Consulting

PS – Check out our updated Organizational Development section on our website.  

One and Done

One and Done

“One and Done” can mean a lot of things. It can refer to a college basketball star who just played their freshman year before heading to the NBA. It might be something you do so well the first time that you never need or want to do it again. (Marriage, yes…sweeping your kitchen floor, no.) Some people use the term for a workout that gets you permanently in shape in just one week, Oreos not included.

At ISI Consulting “One and Done” is all about our one day workshops. We do a LOT of them, with organizations small and large. ONE DAY, you might wonder? Just how much can you accomplish? A great deal, it turns out. Especially if you’re working with experts in problem-solving.

If you’re struggling to solidify your goals and objectives, make a concrete decision and then implement an action plan, or switch directions based on changes that have impacted your organization, you can make significant headway in just one day. If you need to develop quality training on communication, priority-setting, or quality improvement to bring your team to the next level, one day will get you well on your way to success.

There’s just one thing you need to remember…if you could have done this on your own, you already would have. Even in the best of organizations, sometimes you just get stuck. And then it takes an outside expert to get your team back on track. We’re just the experts you need, so why should you waste any more time. Call today, and let’s get this “One and Done!”

Reach out directly to Holly Hayes at 803-920-1736 or holly@sharpertogether.com. We can quickly schedule a brief discovery call and get your “One and Done” on the calendar.

Stay Sharp, 

ISI Consulting

Holly Hayes, President & Founder
ISI Consulting

PS – Check out our updated Who We Are section on our website. 

Feel free to forward this on to someone you think needs a One-Day Workshop!